Friday, April 11, 2008

Ugly Day

Wednesday is usually our “errands day” This week was scheduled to be pretty routine, but it didn’t turn out that way. Our first stop was the “labs” over near the medical center to have a blood sample drawn for the tummy doctor. No problem. The next stop was the vascular surgeon’s office for a routine follow-up. Not routine. S- said later that she could sense trouble on the surgeon's face while he was checking the pulse in my left leg. He sent me downstairs to the Vascular Institute for long, high tech tests on both legs. I actually fell asleep. Instead of the nice lunch we had planned at Too Jays, we grabbed a bite at Burger King. Then we hustled back to the surgeon’s place for the results.

Big trouble! We go into the hospital Tuesday where after an angiogram and angioplasty, he will decide whether a complete redo of the bypass in the leg is necessary. Bah!

It was around 4PM by the time we got to the CPA’s office way out in Wellington to pick up our completed tax return. That was not good news either and we had to hurry to the bank (thank goodness they stay open late) to free up some cash to give the IRS. We never did get our planned browse through the mall!. Bah again!

Then yesterday, we had to spend half the day at the hospital for pre-op tests. Three times Bah!

Who are these people that fear having nothing to do in retirement?


Archana said...

O boy - that sure sounds like one super-duper bad day. Hope your Friday is turning out better!

kenju said...

You sound like mr. kenju, who says now that he had a stroke, he does nothing but go to docs and have lab work. Not true, of course, but it feels like that to him. Hope today was better.

Marilyn said...

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. (My Dad's had his share of angio's...) Love that the first thing you did with your new cell is add a Feist ringtone. :) Will hold a good thought for you that Tuesday will be easy...and that the news will be GOOD. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wish you good luck with the operation!

Bharathis said...

We are missing you. Get well and be back soon.