Saturday, October 29, 2005

!! POWER'S ON !!

Huzzah! We have power! Wilma was without doubt the worst we've had in years. Our phones are still down - cell phone are back on, though - and most important, the power came back about an hour ago. That meant we could raise our electric shutters and get out of flashlight living for 24 hours a day. Much damage,but will detail later after hot coffee and a hot shower!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! I gasped when I saw that photo. I was up in the wee hours the day Wilma made landfall. The County Manager of Lee County in Ft. Myers is an old I was watching the video stream of the NBC station in Ft. Myers to see how that general area was faring. I went to work that day thinking Wilma hadn't packed as hard a punch as had been feared...obviously I was very mistaken...