I have a bunch of things I should be doing, but…
We drove down A1A yesterday to Fort Lauderdale. It was a beautiful day. There is much to see along the way but the ride isn’t what I would call scenic. Most of the scenery is manmade. The so-called Gault Miracle Mile is awesome. It is a line of gigantic condo buildings snuggled up to each other and rising up twenty stories or so. Not for me, but obviously a lot of folks think of that as sunny Florida. The way buildings and homes are going up, it will be true in future years.
Contrary to the forecasters we have had three beautiful days in a row. We have a delightful breeze coming in off the ocean. That keeps the temperature in the livable range. What I don’t understand is how come a breeze that comes from the ocean can provide low humidity. It is about 47% this noon and the temp is 87. Nice.
Our pool was frigid this morning. I like it that way but the majority of the residents here will be unhappy.
This is the first day for a new executive director of this fine institute. I wish her well and hope that the old bitties here can hold off on their griping and let her get off to a pleasant start. The army isn’t the only outfit that is happy only when it has something to complain about.
The shuttle landed safely this morning and we could hear the sighs of relief all the way from Cape Canaveral. It was a beautiful landing.
I slept for a few hours. Its probably about 90 degrees here and there's no way in hell that I'll go out. To damn hot. Listening to Dave Matthews on my Mac.
I was surprised by how warm the pool was at my Mom's complex in North Las Vegas. I'd expected it to be nice and cool...would have been nice, since it was about 110 outside. :)
I'm glad to hear that the July weather in Eastern Florida is not always as advertised. I live in North Texas (103 Friday, but very dry). I have a Florida apartment along the Gault Ocean Mile (I think ?, Highland Beach) which is currently leased but I hope to move there myself permanently in a year or two. My only reservation is the abominable humidity in the summer months. But from your comments it sounds as though there is some relief at times.
I'm learning a lot about the cost of living in my soon to be home. Those double thick hurricane resistant wndows and doors are extremely expensive!
Love your postings,
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