Friday, September 16, 2005

Definition of a Good Day

People are always saying, “Have a good day!” I suppose that is a nice wish, but it doesn’t do much to make itself come true.

The other day I had a good day and just a few people made it. I had an appointment with my doctor. As his nurse was leading my wife and I to the examining room, the nurse said I was looking good, better than she had seen me look in a long time. That got the vanity juices flowing and I hardly listened to what the doctor said.

I have to tell you a little secret now. That doctor is the one that keeps track of my cholesterol and tells me I should lose weight, etc. Every time after I have seen him my wife and I head for Krispy Kremes and get a dozen of our favorites donuts. I figure there are three months to the next appointment – plenty of time to repair the damage.

The gal at the cash register was totaling up our bill when she got to the discount part (my favorite part), she looked up and said that she assumed I was over 65. I said yes, about 15 years over 65. There was a pause while she figured it out and then she practically screamed, “You’re not 80. You don’t look 80!” I insisted I was. She said, “But you’re so sharp. You can even do arithmetic!” I took my donuts and change and got out of there.

My day was made. We went home and I took a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Krispy Kremes...happiness with a hole in the middle. How is possible to NOT feel better after eating a Krispy Kreme? :) Great post.